Utilise the benefits of
a solution integrated into SAP!


With the functions of the SAP component test equipment management, you can manage your equipment data in an integrated way, plan and schedule tests and carry out calibration tests on equipment.
If you are using SAP S4HANA or SAP ECC, you already fulfil all the requirements and there are no additional purchase or licence costs.
The test equipment management integrated in SAP is the prerequisite for the objective evaluation of your measurement results in QM and forms the basis for the trustworthiness of the decisions based on it.

  • Items of test equipment need to be uniquely labelled and their movements need to be traceable.
  • The requirements for test equipment must be defined to match the equipment tasks.
  • Test equipment must be routinely inspected, calibrated and adjusted to ensure that it can fulfil its requirements.
  • The handling of test equipment must not adversely influence its performance.

Features offered by SAP Test Equipment Management:

  • Use of new SAP Fiori apps when using SAP S/4HANA
  • Automated recording of calibration and measurement results via the QM-IDI interface
  • Management of externally calibrated test equipment via inspection planning connectivity for subcontractors
  • Time- or performance-dependent calibration intervals if equipment is subject to high levels of wear
  • A clearly structured, automatically generated maintenance history
  • Flexible management of individual items of test equipment to meet specific needs while remaining standards-compliant
  • Direct, system-driven execution of calibration and measuring equipment capability analysis
  • Interaction with he operational test planning and the factory standards
  • Reliable supply of appropriate test equipment with demonstrably assured capability and appropriate service life



Investment decision: is SAP Test Equipment Management right for you?

Our team helps you to make your investment decision, working with you to draw up your target parameters, cost/benefit criteria, potential improvements, and opportunities and risks. The aim here is to create a decision document (readiness statement) as well as recommendations for the next steps you need to take.

Navigate to your goals:

In a Scoping workshop (also separately bookable), we take a high-level view of your company and work with you to analyse your test equipment management requirements and potential approaches to a successful implementation. Possible topics here include the integration of external calibrations, the creation of audit trails and electronic signatures (as required), automated or mobile results recording, individual best practices for individual items of test equipment and their mapping into the system, form layouts, and any other functions as required. We identify the work packages that are to be completed and prepare an initial budget estimate.

Make the right decision for your requirements:

We compare your requirements with the functional and technical options offered by SAP Test Equipment Management, and assess the degree of fulfilment that this provides for the costs and implementation effort incurred. We also provide you with support for any development work necessary, including the corresponding budget estimate.

We work with you to compare the pros and cons of SAP Test Equipment Management with third-party software, estimate the corresponding costs and identify the next steps for the successful rollout of your factory-specific Test Equipment Management.


DHC provides you with support for introducing the following processes and functions:

  • Management of test equipment master data
  • Individual definition of the master data used via Customising settings
  • Classification of test equipment and serial number management
  • Test equipment inspection planning
  • Creation of inspection plans – either universal or test equipment-specific
  • Definition of order types for test equipment inspections and calibrations
  • Conceptual design of simple or complex inspection cycles or strategies, both time- and performance-dependent
  • System driven deadline monitoring for test equipment inspections
  • Designing automated deadline monitoring
  • Individual order creation for unplanned inspections and inspection order creation
  • Design and implementation of calibration inspections and their documentation
  • Recording of measurement calibration results with digital signatures and an audit trail (see also: SAP Audit Management)
  • Automated results recording via the QM-IDI interface
  • Mobile results recording
  • Programming of additional functions
  • Programming of additional data fields
  • Any modifications to forms as required
Services & Support

Even after your SAP QM system goes live, we can provide you with second- and third-level support services as required. Regardless of whether you need remote service provision or direct, on-site support, our SAP QM specialists offer a mobile and flexible service. Our wealth of experience means we are familiar with the key questions asked by your users and can guarantee prompt support into the long term.


Use our experience as specialists for Test Equipment Management with SAP:

  • An experienced team for the provisioning and set up of SAP Test Equipment Management
  • Individual planning for mapping your factory-specific test equipment management system to SAP
  • Experience with business in a regulated environment and VDA 5 inspection process suitability
Matthias Bothe

Managing Director & Industry Unit Manager
Life Sciences, Chemie and Medical Engineering
phone: +49 681 93 666 0
email: matthias.bothe@dhc-gmbh.com

Matthias Bothe
Carsten Buri

CEO and Director Sales & Marketing, DHC Switzerland

phone: +41 44 500 888 7
email: carsten.buri@dhc-ag.ch

Carsten Buri
Request information!

Learn more about our consulting services for SAP Test Equipment Management!



18. February

Live Online Training der ECA Academy

20. February
DHC Websession (in German)

Change folders in SAP S/4HANA

The web session will give you an insight into how you can map your change process in SAP S/4HANA.

21. February
DHC web session (in German)

GxP-compliant digitisation of laboratories

Discover how digital transformation is increasing the level of automation and optimising your laboratory processes in a GxP-compliant way.

14. March
DHC web session (in German)

Stability studies with QM in SAP S/4HANA

Find out what QM solutions are available for stability studies with SAP S/4HANA.

10. April
DHC & LSA Websession (in German)

SAP S/4HANA implementation and validation in the life sciences industry


Our web sessions are provided as a free service for DHC customers and potential customers.