DHC Websession
SAP QIM Replacement by SAP Quality Notifications
Friday, 31 January 2025, 10:00 a.m.

SAP QIM replacement by SAP Quality Notifications
Official support for SAP QIM will end in 2027, which means that many companies are faced with the question of which system they should switch to in the future. If you would like to remain in the SAP environment, the SAP quality notification could be an excellent alternative.
In this webinar, we will explain the challenges as well as the advantages of switching from QIM to the Q notification. We will also show you which measures can facilitate the switch and how our DHC tool for SAP QIM data migration can help you to easily transfer QIM issues to Q notifications.
Friday, 31 January 2025, 10:00 – 10:20 a.m. => You missed the web session? Then request the podcast now!
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Target group of the web session
This web session is aimed at specialists and managers in the fields of quality management/assurance and IT.
Content of the web session
- Does it make sense to switch to the Q-notification?
- Challenges and opportunities
- Transferring data from QIM to the notification
- Migration solution
Your benefits
- Over 25 years of industry know-how in implementing SAP QM and CAQ systems
- Excellent expertise in planning and implementing SAP QM
- Integration aspects
- Update your SAP know-how
- interactive exchange with our experienced consultant and other web session participants
Technical requirements
The web sessions are online seminars. To participate, you only need a PC with an internet connection and loudspeakers. Alternatively, the sound can also be transmitted via telephone, while you can follow the image presentation via your browser. The web sessions are interactive, i.e. you can ask questions at any time.
Participation and registration
This web session is a free service for existing and prospective DHC customers.
IT service providers and consultants are not permitted to participate.
The number of participants is limited.
=> You missed the web session? Then request the podcast now!
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